MTAC Competition
MTAC State Competition & San Diego Branch Competition

​Recommended Competitions & Festivals
Belle Melodie Music Art School organizes students to participate in selected state and branch-level MTAC music competitions. These competitions provide valuable performance experience and help students showcase their talents in front of expert judges. Our instructors guide students through the preparation process to ensure they are ready to excel in these prestigious events.
Piano Concerto and Solo Competition
The MTAC Piano Concerto and Solo Competition (Southern Region) offers students a chance to compete in prestigious solo and concerto categories. Important dates include:
Registration Open: January 10, 2025
Registration Close: February 10, 2025
Audition Date: March 29, 2025
Results Available: April 4, 2025
The convention will take place at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara from June 26-30, 2025. Participation fees range from $66 for master classes to $95 for solo and concerto competitions.
Solo Division 1: 12 and Under
Solo Division 2: 13 - 15
Solo Division 3: 16 - 18
Solo Division 4: 19 - 24
Concerto Division 1: 12 and Under
Concerto Division 2: 13 - 15
Concerto Division 3: 16 - 18
Concerto Division 4: 19 - 24
VOCE Competition
The MTAC VOCE Region Audition for the South Region is an online competition with key dates:
Application Open: November 1, 2024
Application Close: December 1, 2024
Media Submission Deadline: January 10, 2025
Results Available: February 14, 2025
Fees range from $28 to $58 for solos and ensembles. The state finals will also be held online, with results announced on April 5, 2025. The final recital and convention will be at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara on July 6, 2025.
​Division Information​​
Southern California Junior Bach Festival
LOCATION: First Unitarian Universalist Church of San Diego - Hillcrest, 298 W Arbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92103
The Mission of SCJBF
It is the aim of Southern California Junior Bach Festival to cultivate knowledge and understanding of Bach’s music, as well as to celebrate it. Through festivals, lectures, master classes, recitals and concerts, we offer many opportunities for musical growth to the best of Southern California’s young instrumentalists and vocalists.
Branch Festival
The Bach Festival at the branch level is held in the spring. Students may play any original music of J. S. Bach, transcriptions of Bach’s music, or music of other Baroque composers. Students are presented in short recitals of approximately 1 hour in length. A panel of not fewer than three judges writes evaluations of each performer. Teachers receive the evaluation sheets. The judges select eligible students to play in the Regional Festival. The length of each student’s performance is limited to 5 minutes.
Regional Festival
Eligible students perform again in recitals with students from other branches that have been selected.
Complete Works Audition
This adjudication is for highly competitive students who have performed at the Branch and Regional Festivals and have been selected to participate.
Sonata Contest of San Diego Branch
For over 40 years, students from all over San Diego have participated in the MTAC San Diego Sonata Contest, founded by Jane Smisor Bastien. The competition is open to students of MTAC San Diego teachers.
A repertoire list is published six months prior, and students prepare a sonata movement to be judged individually. About 25% of each group advance to the finals, which are adjudicated by three judges. 1st, 2nd, 3rd place trophies and Finalist ribbons are awarded. Winners must advance to a higher group the following year, and students may only enter one group annually.
New members must join by September 19, 2024, to participate.
​LOCATION: Point Loma Nazarene University
DATE: October 19, 2024
Concerto Competition of San Diego Branch
Dates: February 8, 2025 (Piano) & February 9, 2025 (Winds and Strings)
Location: Greene Music, 7480 Miramar Rd., San Diego, CA 92126
Registration Deadline: January 15, 2025
Document Upload Deadline: January 18, 2025, at 11:00 PM
Open to students of MTAC San Diego Branch members in good standing, and Contributory Members who joined the branch 30 days before the registration deadline.
Students must have studied with the entering teacher for at least 6 months and the teacher must be the primary instructor for the instrument entered.
Teachers must complete registration online at
Parents are required to upload a proof of age document, and teachers must upload a Teacher-Parent Agreement Form during the registration process.
Required Documentation
Proof of Age: Birth certificate, passport, student ID with birthdate, or driver’s license.
Teacher-Parent Agreement Form: Signed by both the teacher and the parent.
Student Categories
Division I: Piano (through age 11)
Division II: Piano (12-14 years old)
Division III: Piano (15-18 years old)
Division IV: Wind Instruments (through age 18)
Division V: String Instruments (through age 13)
Division VI: String Instruments (14-18 years old)
Note: No first-place winner can compete again in the same division, and winners cannot move to the next division until meeting the age requirement.
Audition Procedures
Each contestant is allowed a maximum of 10 minutes.
Orchestral parts must be played on a second piano.
Teachers may not accompany their own students.
Contestants must provide judges with original music (photocopies are not allowed).
One complete movement of a soloist work with orchestra must be performed.
All pieces must be performed from memory.
Previous first-place winners cannot compete with the same concerto in a different division.
First, second, and third place winners will be chosen in each division.
All participants receive a Certificate of Participation.
Winners Performances
First-place winners will perform with the MCC Community Orchestra on dates to be determined.
Chopin Festival of San Diego Branch
This event is open to students of MTAC San Diego Branch members and showcases Chopin’s solo piano works, encouraging the highest level of performance. The festival is open to students 19 years old and under as of the event date.
Event Date: May 10, 2025
Location: First Presbyterian Church of San Diego
Registration Opens: March 16, 2025
Registration Deadline: April 1, 2025
Division I: Waltz or Mazurka
Division II: Etude
Division III: Nocturne
Division IV: Impromptu or Polonaise
Division V: Scherzo, Ballade, Barcarolle, or Fantaisie
Division VI: Open (non-competitive)
Other Works: Miscellaneous Chopin pieces will be assigned to a competitive category (Divisions I-V) at the discretion of the event chair.
Repertoire: Performers will play complete pieces or entire sonata movements with no time limit.
Judging: Qualified judges will award 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in each category. Judges' decisions are final, and no ties are allowed. Teachers and parents cannot contact the judges about the competition.
New or contributory members must join the San Diego branch 30 days before the registration deadline to participate.
H. B. Goodlin Scholarship Competition of San Diego Branch
The Goodlin Scholarship Competition is open to pianists, organists, and instrumentalists residing in San Diego County. The competition aims to honor outstanding music students in the area.
Preliminary Round: Video Audition
Applicants must submit a video recording of two repertoire selections. A panel of three judges will adjudicate each video, and approximately 25% of applicants will advance to the Finals Round.
Video Submission Deadline: April 11, 2025, by 11:00 PM
Finalist Notification Date: May 3, 2025
Finals Round: Live In-person Audition
Finalists will perform the same two repertoire selections in front of a panel of three Finals judges.
Date: Saturday, May 17, 2025 (9:00 AM - 4:00 PM)
Location: Cuyamaca College, 900 Rancho San Diego Pkwy, El Cajon, CA 92019
Applicants must have resided in San Diego County for the past 12 months and must submit proof of residency.
Piano Duo Festival of San Diego Branch
Piano Duo Festival
Date: April 5, 2025
Location: Greene Music Recital Hall
Registration Deadline: March 15, 2025
The Piano Duo Festival offers students a wonderful opportunity to perform duet pieces from the piano repertoire in a recital format. Students are grouped by age, starting from as young as 5 through to high school and college levels. Performers may choose music for four hands on one piano or two pianos, with transcriptions and arrangements allowed. Memorization is not required, but a copy of the music is needed for the judges if not performed by memory.
1st place duo teams receive trophies
2nd and 3rd place teams receive rosette ribbons
All participants receive a certificate
Category I: Ages 5-9 (3-minute limit)
Category II: Ages 10-12 (4-minute limit)
Category III: Ages 13-15 (5-minute limit)
Category IV: Ages 16-high school (7-minute limit)
Category V: College (7-minute limit)
Category VI: Student & Teacher (non-competitive, 3-minute limit)*
Category VII: Student & Adult (non-competitive, 3-minute limit)*
*Categories VI & VII are non-competitive and provide an opportunity for students who do not have a duet partner. These participants will receive judges' comments and a participation award, with no entry fee required for the teacher.
New or contributory members must join the San Diego branch 30 days before the registration deadline to participate.